My name is Jose Toussaint and I am an Educational Kinesiologist. I do my work with passion and I love sharing my passion with you. Mostly I work with ‘troubled kids’. Brain Gym is fun and easy to do, so anyone can do it!

I started my Brain Gym passion in a nursing home in a dementia unit. Each day I would go to work and have to re-introduce myself to the same residents. After doing Brain Gym for 8 days over a period of two weeks, residents started to remember my name … and also each others! That set me off and I have never looked back. 🙂
Now I work mostly with ‘troubled kids’ and my aim is to give them the tools to create a happy mind and to create a brighter future for children and parents.
Teachers and parents are always telling me how the child I have been seeing has increased participation in the classroom, staying focused and listening better. So there is hope for everyone. Never give up, even if you can not see a way out, because there is!
I love doing Brain Gym! – José Toussaint
Some wonderful BrainGym testimonials
‘Dan. has improved at school in his learning and behaviour.’ – Bronnie
‘After a balance, I feel more at peace and in control of my life. I feel that I can do things now that I couldn’t do before!. Edu-K really works! Thank you, I am very grateful.’ – Lola
‘Samantha has been diagnosed with autism and started extensive speech therapy. We still do a lot of Brain Gym at home and at her preschool. She is very switched on and teachers say that Brain Gym contributes to what we have done with her to date. Samantha is doing amazing – slow progress – but progress!’ – Kathrina
‘Paddy is doing really well. After Brain Gym we have more words! It has been amazing! Thank you!’ – Sandra
‘My daughter has been going to see Jose for 6 weeks now, for issues ranging from writing difficulties through to adjusting to an absent father. I have seen Edu-K (BrainGym ®) give her a new sense of confidence, calm and balance. The change was immediate and dramatic and continues to grow. My daughter really enjoys the sessions and can’t wait for it every Monday! Edu-K is part of our lives now and there is no looking back!’ – Kathy
‘Already, Brain Gym has made an amazing change. For the first time, my son Thomas was able to participate at school the whole day! He even drew a truck and coloured it in. He never made a drawing before! Thank you so much.‘ – Bex