Mariah-Jane Thiese is travelling from Canada to Australia and she is coming to Brisbane the first weekend of February 2024 and will be teaching a few workshops, which is a great opportunity to learn from the best teachers in the world… If you are interested in learning Brain Dance / Embracing Movement Diversity / Relax, Release and Reset your neck and Shoulders / Get Happy Feet, please contact Trish Collins (
Mariah-Jane has been teaching dance for 37 years, including ballet, modern, jazz and musical theatre. For the last 25 years, she has had a speciality of including the Brain Dance, based on developmental movement patterns, in all her dance classes. During her studies and certification with modern dance pedagogy, Bill Evans, she trained in Laban Movement Analysis since 1999. She has had the great pleasure of training with legends Bill Evans, Peggy Hackney and Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen in developmental patterns, as well as the creator of the Brain Dance, Anne Green-Gilbert.
Mariah-Jane gained her certification in Brain Gym in 2014 and then in 2015 achieved her certification with Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training. Throughout the last 10 years of her career, she has been enjoying the cross-pollination of bringing Brain Gym and Reflexes into the dance community and the Brain Dance and Laban into the Brain Gym world. In that pursuit, Mariah-Jane has presented worldwide at numerous dance conferences and Brain Gym/Educational Kinesiology Conferences (now Breakthroughs International) conferences worldwide including the US, Canada, France and Germany.
Following the International Conference in Germany in 2018, Mariah-Jane debuted her course on Laban Movement Analysis for application in the Brain Gym Balance Process. In January 2020, she debuted her Brain Dance and the Developmental Movement Patterns for Brain Gym consultants down in Australia. And in November 2021, she fulfilled a huge goal of speaking on a TEDx stage, in which she shared the need to embrace movement diversity.
Mariah-Jane is excited to continue to share these unique courses developed expressly to help keen consultants deepen their practice and enhance the tool kit to use with clients. In addition to her previously shared courses, Mariah-Jane is adding two new courses during her trip to Australia and New Zealand; “Get Happy Feet” and “Relax and Release the Neck and Shoulders”.
Mariah-Jane is also a competitive speaker and evaluator with Toastmasters International and a published best-selling author, contributing to the Woman of Worth, “Power of Collaboration “book.
To watch her on YouTube, Please click on
The Brain Dance: 3rd February 2024 in Wynnum Community Centre, Brisbane QLD TIME: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm COST: $250 (no GST) includes the manual and refreshments. Additional $40 if you wish to receive a recording of the workshop (highly recommended)
PREREQUISITES: None – open to all! (NO dance or Brain Gym® experience necessary)
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL, please get in touch with Trish Collins at 0417 627 550 or email Check out
Embracing Movement Diversity: This course is an Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis as a method of deepening our expressive movement range and understanding of ourselves and our unique movement signature.
Discover your movement affinities and dis-affinities and consider the reasons from both your personal and professional life. By experiencing the spectrum in all areas, you will have new tools for addressing areas of self-expression both to comfort and to expand and open new possibilities.
Learning Outcomes:
• By exploring the full range across the spectrum of all possibilities, you can both recuperate and expand your comfort zone
• Exploration of the concepts of Weight, Space, Time and Flow
• Weight, Space, Time and Flow can be applied to the Brain Gym® 26 Movements to heighten the efficacy and individualization of both the client and the goal
• Weight, Space, Time and Flow will also be applied to the Brain Dance for an even deeper effectiveness.
To watch her on YouTube, Please click on
DATE: 4th February 2024 in Brisbane QLD TIME: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
COST: $250 (no GST) includes the manual and refreshments. Additional $40 if you wish to receive a recording of the workshop (highly recommended)
PREREQUISITES: None – open to all! (NO dance or Brain Gym® experience necessary)
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL, please get in touch with Trish Collins on 0417 627 550
Relax, Release and Reset your Neck and Shoulders workshop. The neck and shoulders are such a common area of chronic tension and dysfunction that it appears almost inevitable that you and your clients will have this challenge. But that does not need to be the case! Tension, pain and stiffness in this area are not just a sign of stress, but they can cause stress so the link needs to be broken, and this course will give you the tools to do just that.
Learning Outcomes:
• Hands-on self-touch to release tension in the neck and shoulder muscles
• Imagery to stimulate positive change
• Understanding of embodied anatomy
• Easy and effective exercises to create balance and alignment of the spine and shoulder girdle
Who this is for? Brain Gym® Consultants, Kinesiologists, Dance Teachers and anyone with tension in their neck and shoulders.
Date: 5 February 2024 6 pm to 9 pm 3-hour Evening Workshop – Presented by MARIAH-JANE THIESE
COST: $95 (no GST) includes handouts. Additional $20 if you wish to receive a recording of the workshop (highly recommended)
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Trish Collins at 0417 627 550
The last workshop will be on the 6fh of February. Get Happy Feet. What you don’t know about your Feet IS hurting you…and limiting all areas of potential
Learning Outcomes:
• Understanding of the Foot Anatomy and methods for mobilization
• Effective Imagery for both mobility and stability
• Self-touch strategies for activating and enlivening the arches of the feet giving you both stability
and balance and powerful propulsion for walking
• Strategies for daily life to keep the feet dynamic and healthy
DATE: Tuesday, 6th February, 2024, in Wynnum, Brisbane
TIME: 6.00 pm – 9.00 pm
COST: $95 (no GST) includes handouts. Additional $20 if you wish to receive a recording of the workshop (highly recommended)
PREREQUISITES: None – open to all! (no dance or Brain Gym® experience necessary)
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL, please get in touch with Trish Collins at 0417 627 550