José Toussaint

Create Happy Minds


What is Kinesiology?

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What is Kinesiology in simple words?

Kinesiology means ‘the study of movement’. Complementary medicine practitioners also use the term to describe a form of therapy that uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to examine what may be causing ‘imbalances’ in the body and attempt to relieve these imbalances.

If you had told me this 25 years ago, I would not have understood the above even though it is described in easy words.

I think you need to experience Kinesiology to understand what it does. It aims to reduce stress, anxiety, pain and blockages. Kinesiology may identify food intolerances and other imbalances in your system.

Over the years I have been trying to find the perfect spiel to explain Kinesiology and to my knowledge, there isn’t a perfect one as we all understand things uniquely.


If you are a train driver, I would most likely talk in “train” language these days. I happen to work one day a week at a train station, so I have to practise. LOL. Here it is. See below, and let me know what you think.

“Kinesiology is kind of like being a train conductor, but for the body and mind. Just like you have tracks, signals, and control systems to keep a train running smoothly and on time, your body has pathways (called meridians) and energy flows that keep everything working right. Sometimes, just like with trains, things get blocked or misaligned, and the body doesn’t run as smoothly. Kinesiology helps identify and fix those blockages or misalignments by working with the body’s energy systems, kind of like clearing the tracks and resetting the signals to get everything back on track.”

As a teenager, I wanted to be a hairdresser and perhaps secretly I still like to be one. This is how I would explain it to a hairdresser. What do you think?

“Kinesiology is like giving your body a perfect, balanced hairstyle. Just like when you’re cutting hair, you look for balance, symmetry, and flow to create a beautiful look—our bodies have energy flows that need to be in balance for us to feel our best. Sometimes, stress or emotions can create ‘knots’ or ‘tangles’ in the body’s energy, making us feel out of sync or causing pain. Kinesiology helps to smooth out those tangles, restoring balance and harmony, kind of like you do when you make someone’s hair look and feel fabulous.”

So… if you still don’t understand what Kinesiology does, please let me know and see if I can come up with a metaphorical story for your profession.

My name is Jose Toussaint, your local Kinesiologist. Online or Face to Face. M: 0061 4 346 26 307 – info.josetoussaint@createhappyminds



José Toussaint (Kinesiologist)
♡ Touch For Health Teacher
♡ BrainGym Consultant
♡ Energy Medicine Practitioner

Create Happy Minds with Kinesiology supports busy adults to reduce stress and allow them to enjoy life with friends and family.

Contact José Toussaint if you would like more information or want to make an appointment to get yourself back on track.

Workshops are available. To find out more, give José a call on 0434 626 307.

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