José Toussaint

Create Happy Minds



Read my articles on various subjects where I explore and educate on my passion for a future with better communication within our health system using conventional medicine in combination with holistic, oriental, and energy medicine. So we may make the best choices for our future well-being.

Rub some Brain Buttons!

Dr Paul Dennison, creator of “Educational Kinesiology” (Edu-K), worked with students early in his career, he found when students were stressed or inactive throughout the

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Cats Do Sip Too - Cat drinking water

Cats do Sip too.

#braintools Sipping water is an effective way to restore hydration. As light rain falls on dry ground, water is best absorbed by the body when

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José Toussaint

José Toussaint

José Toussaint (Kinesiologist)
♡ Touch For Health Teacher
♡ BrainGym Consultant
♡ Energy Medicine Practitioner

My Services

20% Off Birthday Gift

This is the Perfect time to reduce your stress levels. Limited time offer... 20% off for new clients. Use code BIRTHDAY, voucher valid until the 28th of February 2021. Book your appointment BEFORE 28th of February to get 20% off. Voucher can be used after February but booked before the date of expiry.